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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 8, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> tucker: that was not the show we intended to do tonight at all, but we're in charge of the news and it's coming fast. we'll be back tomorrow night and that was something else weird and fast -- and maybe something else weird and fascinating will happen. >> sean: i think that's called live television. everything we planned is out the window and doing an entirely different show than we planned an hour and a half ago. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. the woke indoctrination of your children continues. a shocking new video from project veritas showing a teacher bragging about exposing his students to sex toys, and it gets worse. here's a preview but we've got to warn you, it's fairly
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graphic. >> they are like how does this work? how does this work? >> yes. that's -- part of my job -- >> sean: project veritas confronted the teacher and we'll show you that video as well. that's straight ahead but first, our top story tonight a new batch of twitter files have officially now been released only moments ago. journalist weiss published the latest details on uncovering the social media giant's censorship campaign and what we're learning tonight is downright appalling. newly unearthed documents prove that left wing twitter employees built blacklists of accounts that they didn't like and would "prevent disfavored tweets from trending and actively limit the visibilities of entire accounts in secret without informing anybody on twitter. for example, a pomment doctor
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from stanford was secretly placed on the transblacklist after he argued that covid lockdowns would harm children and meanwhile our very own dan bongino, was limited by who could search for his profile or tweets. twitter also plackets turning points founder charlie kirk's tweets from being amplified. apparently twitter handled up to 200 of these censorship cases each and every day but remember, as weiss points out twitter repeatedly denied the use of shadow banning. twitter was lying. they lied over and over again. i interviewed at one point jack dorsey. he told me specifically, no, we don't shadow ban. we're also learning tonight that twitter formed a secret group that featured the company's highest ranking executives that would make decisions in private without much of a paper trail to censor or ban high-profile conservative accounts.
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like, for example, a popular account called libs of tik tok, which was suspended six times in 2022. even though the account did not even violate twitter's hateful conduct policy. at the same time, the women who runs libs of tik tok was doxed on twitter, they give out that address, received more than 10,000 likes yet twitter refused to take down that tweet. clearly what musk said over the weekend is correct. twitter was an arm of the democratic party and a malicious arm. take a look. >> clearly, if twitter is doing one team's bidding before an election. shutting down dissenting voices on a pivotal election that's the very definition of election interference and what the hell else -- it's like yes, you know,
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frankly twitter was acting like an arm of democratic national committee. it was absurd. >> sean: an arm of the democratic national committee shutting down dissenting voices is by its very definition election interference. it's not only twitter. almost every big tech company acted as an arm of the democratic party and interfered in our elections an tonight i call on all of them, apple, google, facebook, all of you follow elon musk's lead. you need to be transparent, and by the way, will the media mob finally take note. don't hold your breath because as elon musk suggested on saturday, many in the media mob, they are totally, completely compromised, my words, his word, complicit. take a listen. >> well, i think those people should be looking in the mirror and wondering why they were deceptive, why did they deceive the american public and instead of trying to redirect blame, to
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accept is some of the responsibility themselves for not being truthful to the american public. >> sean: not being truthful to the american public. obviously, big tech and big media, they have been acting as an arm of the democratic party for quite some time. that's not news to this audience, but we may never know the full extent of their efforts. now, because, get this, now elon musk is suggesting that some files may have been deleted or removed. now, this came out after musk discovered that the controversial x f.b.i. russian gate lawyer james baker was personally reviewing and approving the initial batch of twitter files that were put out by matt -- and baker was still serving as the top lawyer for twitter until musk fired him earlier this week. this is a huge story. now, instead of voicing concern about twitter's collusion with the dnc and potentially the federal government, many so-called journalists are now
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more worried that musk stall beds at twitter's headquarters in case employees were tired, working a lot of overtime, so they would have a place to get a few hours sleep. san francisco, what's their reaction? to being nice to your employees? oh, let's open up an investigation on elon musk. that prompted this response from elon musk. so the city of san francisco attacks companies providing beds for tired employees instead of making sure kids are safe from fytinol. adam schiff is so deeply troubled by elon musk that he's now flat out lying about hate speech on the platform, siting zero evidence at all whatsoever, schiff tweeted earlier today, "against slurs, against black people" have tripled on musk's twitter and tweets slurs against
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women are on the rise. musk must immediately pour water on those claims replying "false, hate speech, impressions are actually down by 1/3 for twitter, now versus prior to the acquisition." meanwhile, the white house press secretary asked about the twitter files and the democratic push for censorship by peter doocy. all she wanted to do was not answer the question and say bye-bye. >> you've said a few times you can't talk about the biden campaign and twitter. who is telling you that's off-limits? >> i've already had that conversation with you, a colleague, i believe, yesterday, i've already addressed this multiple times this week so i don't have anything more to add. we've litigated this all week. i'm going to the back. go ahead. >> sean: let me get this straight. we know now according to elon
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musk that the democratic party, the f.b.i., also involved with weekly meetings, warning twitter that there may be false information about hunter biden coming out, you've got to be on the lookout for this before the election, meanwhile, they had hunter biden's laptop, a full 11 months before the 2020 presidential election. then elon musk says, yes, suppressing information is by definition election interference but the white house doesn't want to talk about it because they benefitted from it. anyway, here with reaction is the host of unfiltered, there is no other name for dan bongino. there is no filtered dan bongino. anyway, dan is with us. you were the fourth tweet of the night. i wrote immediately and asked if you could come on, i would love to get your response. let's first look at the big picture and talk about what they did to you specifically. >> let me give you the big picture first. this is some soviet-style
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bull-sh -- unfiltered dan bo gino. you know, i've known this the whole time, just so you know, it was called a conspiracy theory. i interact like you do with the audience on radio, my podcast and the tv. they email me, accepted us to the website. i read their facebook messages, not all of them obviously but i try to read a good chunk of them. i've been told forever, it's so weird, i can't find you on twitter. you're a check mark, whatever, verified account. bongino is not a common last name, it's not joe brown or john smith. how come you don't come up? it's interesting, when i spoke about this on my show and elsewhere, i was called a conspiracy theorist and a wacko, just like i was called a conspiracy theorist over c spy-gate. let me give you a bigger picture. i've been public enemy number one, not for a crime.
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in fact, i investigated crimes and served this country doing so both through the nypd around secret service but these bags over at twitter and where else, who have made me public enemy number one, this is just the beginning. you don't even know what's happening because i dont's whine about it all day like whiney lefty snowflakes. my website has been banned by google adds for no scribable reason whatsoever. i was banned by youtube for suggesting that cloth masks don't work which is now scientific fact and now i find out that i'm on a not safe for work shadow ban list on twitter because i've committed the thought crime of being a conservative. please, audience, look me in the face, and tell me now, all you media clowns and goons and nuts, who told me i was the crazy conspiracy theorist, tell me we live in a free country, where three of the largest social media platforms that are the new public space we can all talk in, when an opinion guy like me cannot speak on these platforms, or is restricted from doing so,
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or banned in the case of youtube, shadow banned in the case of twitter, tell me again how we live in a free country? you're the fourth estate. you're supposed to protect this stuff. you guys have a constitutional carve out, freedom of the press. it's literally written in the constitution and what do you do? you ignored this story the entire time. it's the biggest story of our time. the mass shadow banning of conservatives going on in this country by this big tech consortium right now. >> sean: dan, i remember you and i had conversations about parlor and the time and looking for an tournament to twitter. many conversations, and you were part of an early effort to try and build out these platforms that don't do these things. that wouldn't silence liberal voices either. let's go back to elon musk and let's go back to his words here and he said the media is complicit, and they were lying to the american public. they spent a total of seven seconds this weekend, talking
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about this huge story that broke last friday. or elon musk himself saying, if you shut down dissenting voices, it is by its very definition election interference. he even admitted that twitter was acting as the propaganda arm of the democratic party in this election. election interference. now, we're not even including meta or facebook or zuckerburg. we're not including google, apple or youtube and i think congress needs to demand that they become as transparent as elon musk has become here and i give him a lot of credit for this. >> yes. listen, elon musk, i don't know if you're watching or not, but if you see it later, just a heartfelt thank you. i was talking to our good friend mark levin before and his great radio show, he said the same
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thing. you know, sean, regardless of what happens -- >> sean: got to love mark, he's the best guest. he's the only one that tells you, that's it, i'm done. go ahead. >> when you are called the great one you can do that kind of stuff. that's why. defer to mark but elon musk, regardless of what happens, he may lose, legitimately may lose business of dollars on this acquisition, i don't think he will, he's a creative guy and he'll build this thing out to be something special but he's done a service to this country. he's literally, not figuratively, changed the history of how big tech will operate moving fore. he's exposed one key point and i want the audience to understand this, what the press did to collude and interfere and potentially fleece the 2020 election away from donald trump based on solid data, polling taken afterwards about how people would have voted if they had known about the hunter biden story, not getting into any other stuff, strictly about
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that, the media intentionally did that, sean. this is my point. this wasn't malfeasance, right? malfeasance is different. you see someone trip on the sidewalk in front of you and you don't hem, that's malfeasance. this is not what this was. this was malfeasance. a guy trips on the sidewalk in front of you and you kick him in the teeth as he's getting up. they did this on purpose. this was active collusion between the f.b.i., people in the dhs, the dni, people at the fec, who had heard about this stuff, twitter and big tech to steal away your country. you know what? two republican in congress tha want to take over in january. you better do something about it . i love fox news and i love working here but it still does
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the population of america. we cannot win an election in america with just fox news. you need twitter to be open. you need facebook to be open. i'm trying to build this parallel economy. maybe that is why i am public enemy number one. i'm not a snowflake. you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. with google bandages, twitter banning us, it never stops. they have put a target on my back for a long time now. >> it is because you are effective and that is why. i got off the plot or because i was sick of it. joining us now clay travis and stephen miller.
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clay, let's start with you. day revealed tonight twitter file investigation reveals team of twitter employees build blac list prevented tweets from trendy activated accounts trending topics all without informing users on top of election interference. on top of implicit media. that is powerful. what do you think this means? could all of this not allowing america to see hunter biden's laptop, the fbi implicit too? >> i think it probably did. as big as the hunter biden laptop story is, tonight's revelation to me or even bigger because it goes directly to the fabric of our entire political
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conversation. they did not just rigged the story on hunter biden and chang the trajectory of the 2020 election, which i think they di and then probably the big story -- makes watergate look like jaywalking. i can't even calm up with a hyperbolic way of describing ho big this now is and i feel like they are just getting started i terms of the revelations. haven't gotten to the direct collision that was going on as soon as joe biden got into the white house. we had a few far left wing radicals completely altering th way we talk about every story i america. if you thought to yourself, my goodness, my country has gone insane, how do we get here buck it was because of the secret inside of twitter. i saw dan by gino, god bless hi
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for what he was saying big i hope republicans are listening right now. this needs to lead directly to criminal prosecution they need to pay for all of this relies i congressional testimony per there were allies in all sorts of public statements where you are not allowed to be bound under government rules. i want them to be charged with crimes per even if the doj will do it right now go ahead and ge the investigation and thus get republican president and in 202 and new senate and a new house and make these twitter executives accountable. one more thing, if this is goin on in twitter is going on in facebook, instagram, youtube, google. the only thing we know about this is because elon musk spent 40 for million dollars and is
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actually showing this truth tha is going on everywhere. >> stephen miller, we are going to hear from you only get back thank you for being patient. other revelations that came out tonight period. also brittney griner has been released. a teacher that is teaching your kids, about toys and other things. this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like.
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more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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this is a fox news alert per breaking we are learning more about twitter's efforts to blacklist conservatives and anyone else who went against th democratic control narrative. despite many previous denials new file tonight this by elon musk in twitter they confirm that blacklist our real and the are done based on politics and they are done based on ideology.
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this supports on top of electio interference clay travis and stephen miller. stephen maybe tie this all together. we have election interference a play. compliant, complicit media and then we have the fbi involved i all of this. james baker was the general counsel for the russian hoax, h is the general counsel at twitter he was the one -- he ha since been fired but more importantly now we have the fbi working with the media, working with big check companies, warning big big tent companies meeting with them every week about this hack and the leak potential that exists out there and be well they had hunter bee biden's laptop were 11 long
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months period they could have known that it was his laptop. >> what does it all point to. i believe it is showing the single greatest most sophisticated far-reaching election interference effort, really not just in the history of our country but in the history of developed nations th scope gets larger every single day. what you are talking about is a handful of hearted left activists and a major social media platform changing, altering, making unpopular idea appear popular making very important life-saving ideas see unpopular and inaccessible to alter, change, to redirect the whole course of american histor in secret. i want to pick on a point that clay made, the department of
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justice put parents in jail for arguably a very horrible thing but for popping up kids resumes for getting into schools they say you made a false resume to get your kids into college, or going to jail on wire fraud big imagine the criminal liability to the systemic fraud that twitter has engaged in a part o these specific employees and executives that are engaging in a wholesale fraud on the american public with a multibillion dollar company. there should of course be a doj investigation. that is not going to happen wit biden in charge for we need a select committee in congress starting in january holding primetime hearings to get to th bottom of this to make referral so that in 2025 and honest doj can get to action and hold people accountable.
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>> clay i will give you the nex word. >> stephen nailed it i want to emphasize that this is unprecedented period we use those sometimes hyperbolic league but what we are talking about in twitter is also going on in facebook, is going on at google, youtube, instagram. all these big tech companies have a version of what twitter is doing four people who say ho does this have such a big impact , twitter is wear the world comes for new is what we determine what is and what is not significant period this is one of the biggest crimes perpetrated in history and they're must be criminal charge the house in january needs to begin a primetime investigation. >> how do you possibly calculat the in condemnation aspect of this with weeks before the 2020 presidential election.
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here is the host of the larry elders show and florida attorne general pam bondi. would twitter -- we know all th was going on probably very likely that they both stephen miller and clay right other companies were doing the save big because we know the fbi was a direct contact with all big tech companies weekly for the 2020 election none of these, is ran with the new york post what was the story about hunter biden 's laptop i think a great argument was made that had a reported the real news, donald trump wins the presidency in 2020. >> in america first policy institute supported the lawsuit against big tech for suppressin not only the voice of the city message president mike donald
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trump the every day americans and they were doing everything they could to only put out ther what they wanted out there for that is suppression of free speech with will have to applau elon musk's pursuit of truth an the defensive free speech perio is a principled man and he's going to fight for what he believes and bring the left cares about free speech win it benefits them period the leftis free speech is all they care about think about this, president ida declared war on elon musk from the podium have you ever seen that before? my money is on elon musk versus united states government any da of the week thank you for exposing this. >> look at what they are trying to do and is office building he built a room for a bed so employees could take nap if the are not feeling well and we hav
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facebook, apple, instagram and all these other platforms and the fbi we know now that they were actively meeting with ever one of these big tech copies every week before the 2020 election, even specifically, according to testimony the top twitter employee, mentioning hunter biden by name. they had his laptop since december 2017 for they would have been able to authenticate that but there is going to be a hack and leak operation by foreign entity and you have to be on the lookout for this period he also knew that rudy giuliani had a copy of the laptop so they knew this was going to break period it seems like what they were doing was not debunking a story but pre- debunking a story so they would not. the story and lead up to an election. >> where do you start with this?
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if the computer store or not have the foresight to make copies we never have known abou this because he turned over to the fbi in 2019. if elon musk does not by twitte we do not know about all this pick donald trump how to lower because elon musk is now the most hated man in the world as far as the left is concerned pick i wrote a piece about this and posted on twitter in januar usa today ran a story, and longtime reporter she said not only is it not true that conservatives are being and suppressed the evidence shows i anything, it's opposite period she cited a study by a guy name paul barrett the reported to show that the argument that the have made that they are suppressed not to if anything the liberals are likely to have their content suppressed and conservatives very these are to
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major institutions period usa today and stern school doesn't say the opposite base of some sort of academic study. do they really care? i remember when in 2012 harry reid stands on the floor of the senate norley lies about mitt romney not plate pay taxes and read retired possessed by cnn, what about this like what he said well, rodney did not win did he? as far left concerned academia will all the wood, big tech wil the do they really care? orange man is gone as far as i' concerned -- mission accomplish and they do not really care about all of this or how we are going to react to all this is that how will the american left react? how will big tech? mission accomplished they don't care. >> served blacklists are the
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antithesis of free speech there are ramifications. i think all the other ceos should take notice of what elon musk has done, and think goodness he has purchased twitter. >> also develop each night speech you the star of the wnba was locked up serving a nine-year sentence at a work camp had called her release in the past after being evicted fo breaking russian laws related t weed possession. we are grateful that she is going home back with her family safe and sound this was a raw deal for a lot of reasons first in order to secure release the biden administration in-depth freeing a notorious international smuggler by the
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name of viktor bout. his nickname is the merchant of death was serving time in priso or a conspiracy to murder americans also in severe and civil wars per in 2010 the former da chief, wear the most dangerous on the face of the earth. >> viktor bout in my eyes is on of the most dangerous man on th face of the earth. >> on the face of the earth? >> without a doubt. >> mike braun the chief administration those that bout first loaded on the seat in the late 80s. >> what makes him a threat? >> is a shadow's military he is arming terrorists and insurgent groups but also arming very powerful drug cafferty drug cafferty cartels.
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>> clearly a bag i who aided an abetted those. sadly his back home in russia. >> two make matters worse this prisoner exchange did not free that guy on your screen for his name is paul whelan served ther and had been locked up in russi since 2018 there is no evidence at all that paul whelan was a spy yet but in did not win his release after giving up the world's most dangerous men for to date statement his brother david expressed deep concern fo paul saying brittney griner is free and paul still hostage for
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might be exchange without paul for our family is still devastated agai even fathom how paul will feel win he learns the a few years ago robert gates wrote joe bide has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over th past four decades as president well by the end of the gates right witness against china inability to deter prudent from invading his neighbor the world is now left essays at any part since the cold war period earlier today peter ducey was asking why russia got such a good deal. take a listen. >> in this prison swap ida rush to get such a better deal? >> i've talked about this. i will say this again.
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here were our choices. brittney griner or no american at all. >> a athlete for a convicted arms dealer was called the -- i've explained how the russians have illegally treated totally legitimate situation. >> according to nbc this mornin the biden administration is lying to they reported at abc that it was not brittney griner or no one, the kremlin gave the white house the choice of eithe brittney griner or paul whelan or not very many biden chose an
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athlete over a former marine wh had been in jail since 2016 for is a biden administration mislead you month the american people or is abc are they reall bad at journalism fax or do the do with the democrats did with twitter and call over and say take that tweet down, get rid o that guy. get rid of this guy. here is dan hoffman and mike walt your take on concerned tha mec probably gave into some pressure on the biden administration it sounds to me like they might have been right. >> of course you want every american home appears in dictatorships, appeasing terrorists are never any interest of the united states for any reason that vladimir
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putin, the taliban, the north koreans continue to take american after american hostage is eventually they hold onto them long enough they did get enough, we cave we give them a better deal how about this quic how about you don't let putin dictate the terms for the white house secretary says here were the choices the russians gave u very how about we dictate the terms? about every terrorist group dictator shoot out there they know they touch and hair on americans high and the cost wil be so high, economically and diplomatically live a militaril that they don't dare touch another american, but what he has done tonight maybe a tactfu today is going to result in mor and more and more americans being taken hostage down the line because they know, at the end of the day there is an upside but no downside whether
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it is putin, the iranian regime my heart breaks for the paul whelan family and future americans. >> so dan hoffman, we had the merchant of death viktor bout one of america's most notorious arms dealers you get brittney griner who is charged with a drug violation, a minor one, sh got nine years in prison but then you have a marine who had been held by the russians since 2018. why did he not hold out for bot before giving up the merchant o death seems like a horrible dea for the u.s. for even the and very glad that brittney griner is home i had said many times that i hope we get her out of there. >> i think we can have both of
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those, make both those conclusions tonight we can be thankful that brittney griner i home but be unhappy with the deal. viktor bout wasn't just the merchant of death but he also served in the soviet army. at the same time, our former military officer, paul whelan, marine still languishing in a russian visit very i am worried about his health they have rapi covid there. vaccine resistant tuberculosis all the things in a penal colon where he is living. i don't want to disparage the negotiators. i am sure they did their best.
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>> i think we should have gotte both of them appear going to give up this guy. we will see what happens in the future our praise was in as he is still in prison thank you both, though woke indoctrinatio of your kids is getting worse w will tell you what is happening in one chicago school.
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nelly sickening story chicago chicago tonight in late private school was bragging about exposing his teenage student to sex toys. we have to warn you this is all very graphic. >> we do a pride week every year . i had our lgbt q students committed we were passing thing around. >> how does this work?
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that's the really cool part of my job i don't have to worry about stuff like that. >> the school is defended indee say he was filled without his knowledge or permission describing one example of our inclusive lgbt q plus affirming approach to education are also learning more about the far lef indoctrination going on inside the school, for example, the school has what is called definitive the affinity groups for students as young as four years old and white students ar not permitted to attend pre- yo can't make that up here is tamm bruce and greg jarrett brick i' old-fashioned, reading, riding, history, computers how about parents do their job and is still the values place.
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>> parents are the moral arbiters of their children as we've seen over the last year o two years since covid they don' want to be coparenting with state agents. strangers who are not teachers not involved with the student i am a woman pre- i have been a game went for a long time we were all the time about how the want to get the children pick n we don't this has nothing to do with education or homosexuality or transgender is a, none of that has anything to do with going after children. we are now watching a certain adults, certainly marginal extremist and i guess in attemp to validate our own adult issue using children to do that. it is obscene big is unacceptable for every parent,
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many who are being misled by activists and others interested in cultivating minors into a certain framework, is that this is not at all with a civil rights movement was about it is not about what sexuality is ver none of that big i want to make everyone to be clear on this spring so that they're not misled by this kind of dynamic. >> grade, there two things goin on first of all, showing children perhaps as young as four, sex toys, objects and how-to instructions to the remedy for parents who are understandably outraged is to yank your kids from the school of stop payne $40,000 a year or an elite education that does no appear to be elite at all pick the second part is affinity groups sanction by the school that exclude white students yes
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it is a private school prayer nonetheless, it may be a violation of title vi of the 1964 civil rights act that the school is receiving as many private schools do, public funding. it is probably a violation of the 1972 education amendment, but most of all the supreme court has interpreted section 1981 as saying you can't discriminate based on race even if you are a private school. >> we have a big case in the supreme court on admissions tha i'm sure all three of us will b talking about. greg. thank you. tammy, thank you too. win we come back we will have more
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>> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. we hope you will save it on your dvr, for news, any time, all the time, laura ingraham standing by. >> laura: the fact that big tech is corrupt, it's such a shock, i know, to everybody. we've known this for how long, how many years have we been talking about this? now we have more definitive proof. you had a great show tonight. i learned a lot. >> sean: you have a great show. a lot to talk about. >> laura: this is ingram angle from washington. the twitter files part two. that's the focus of tonight's